Martin Wassmer-Best Red Wine Collection in Germany
In the region of Baden you will find the vineyards and cellars of Martin Wassmer, a family producer who specialise in all the Pinots – Spätburgunder, Weissburgunder and Grauburgunder. They really have something to be proud of, especially when it comes to some of theirsingle vineyard Spätburgunders.
They harvest low yields, nurture old vines using only natural yeasts and guard traditional winemaking techniques. Their approach, aided by vineyard locations, has lead Martin Wassmer to be titled The Best Red Wine Collection in Germany in the new edition of the Eichelmann wine guide. Martin Wassmer commented ‘‘I was absolutely astonished and delighted with the result. Our family have worked hard for a number of generations and we are very pleased to see this paying off. It is about time that Baden became more recognised for its ability to grow Spätburgunder.” Martin Wassmer have also received an array of Decanter Medals and their very top Castelberg Pinot Noir 2013 being featured in The Wines of Germany Top 50 wines.
Eichelmann Wine Guide- Best Red Wine Collection in Germany
Martin Wassmer has been awarded the best red wine collection in Germany as Winery of the Year as seen in Eichelmann Wine Guide 2017/ Germany’s most prestigious wine guide. Gerhard Eichelmann stated: ‘Wassmer’s 2014 red wines represent an impressive and harmonious red wine collection, including 4 Spätburgunder wines, which are very precise and very clearly distinguishable from each other.’
German Red Wine Prize
Furthermore Martin Wassmer won Decanter Gold Medal 2016 for their 2014 Castellberg Weissburgunder. They have also picked up second place with their new red wine Cuvée “Ehrenstetter Ölberg” << Chapelle >> at the German Red Wine Prize in the category ‘International Cuvée’. Winning the best red-wine collection of Germany was one thing but theres really no stopping the best red-wine producer in Germany.